Exit 5: Fiscal Management
When planning a road trip, cost is inevitably a consideration before you begin. It influences your trip’s length, and has a direct impact on what you are able to do while you are on your journey. If you aren’t thinking of the fiscal impact on your wallet before you start your trip, you may find yourself heading home before you know it! Even Western Union and AAA may not be able to help you out if you pocket book is running on empty and your credit card is to the limit.
Starting a SBHC and keeping it running requires, among many things, astute fiscal management. At this exit, you can view the fiscal management landscape from up close, utilizing our sample budgets and fee schedules. Or you can take a look from a vista view point, catching the bigger picture with funding guides, case statements, and business plans. What does it really cost to start up a SBHC? What does a budget look like in the first two years as you build your fiscal management infrastructure?
Exit 5 will help lead you to the right road in finding answers to these questions, although this exit is relatively new and still under construction. Keep coming back to see the most current information as the SBHC field matures in this arena.
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